Finally took pictures off the camera… (part 1)

so now I will do a 5 month review in picture form 🙂  We celebrated Mariah’s birthday in January (her cake is a flower made of cupcakes–no I am not that creative, her idea and someone else made it).

We had a very light winter here, the most snow we had was maybe 5 or 6 in. but the kids took advantage of it and even built a snowman.

Aunt Faith came to visit for a WHOLE WEEK in February and we loved having her here!  We didn’t tell the kids ahead of time that she was coming.  They were all upstairs when she got here so we called them down & told them we had a surprise….they thought it was ice cream…so they weren’t quite sure how to react when Aunt Faith was sitting at the table!!  They figured it out pretty quickly–and screamed–alot.


Faith looks great in these pictures and our kids are making weird faces–not sure what affect she has on them but it must be something related to the Steidingers 🙂

Spent a fun evening with the Steffens and were able to pull taffy–Matt had done it before but it was a first for the rest of us–and hard work as Mariah found out!

I counted and I think we’ve celebrated 5 birthdays since Jan., including cousins.  After Elise opened her presents Mariah read her new book to her and some of the rest of the crew.

Tae kwon do testing in March–so proud of the girls for working hard and moving up to a white belt with yellow stripe.


Palm Sunday pics before church and the Easter program–it’s a good thing we took pictures then because I didn’t get any on Easter!

Easter weekend, more cousin time–it was a beautiful day to play outside.

To be continued…………………….


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