a New Year

We started out the new year with a weekend called “Renewing”.

Thankfully there were families from the river that were able to participate along with our local church here in the city. Someone from our main church in Porto Velho donated Christmas baskets.

There were some left over and so they had some ways to divide “Person that traveled the longest” and “youngest small group leader”, etc. Luke even got one!

Mid-January Matt and Luke did a supervision trip downriver. The five hour speedboat ride was uneventful except for the rain and wind. Luke and his friend acted like it was January almost the whole trip;

One reason for the trip was to meet with two couples downriver, pray, talk and lay out our goals for them in 2023. Was great to see their desire to work in God’s Kingdom. They also visited some communities that Matt had not been to for some time.

Lastly there was a speedboat that needs some general maintenance done.


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